Webinar on languages in digital tools and media

A webinar for EFNIL members was organized by Sabine Kirchmeier, president of EFNIL, and the secretariat. The webinar touched upon various relevant topics and offered a platform for discussing linguistic results and future aspirations.

Sabine Kirchmeier presented the ELE Project results giving insight into the digital landscape for over 80 European languages. Key findings and navigation tips for accessing relevant information were demonstrated during the webinar. The president also gave a short report on the Workshop on ELE at LREC/COLING in Turin.

A draft statement advocating for languages neglected by major digital tools and media companies is currently being developed.The statement will soon be sent to the European  and Parliament.

The designated members page of the new EFNIL site was introduced along with a new newsletter practice. Moving forward, members will receive notifications about new newsletters, which will be accessible via a link to EFNIL’s website for viewing and downloading, instead of direct distribution. Members are encouraged to send their institutions’ newsletters for the Secretariat to upload them on the website. 

Lastly, members were reminded of the upcoming election at the next General Assembly. Information on the election process and candidate call was shared.