2024 – Budapest

2024 - Budapest

The 21st Annual EFNIL Conference

 23rd–25th September, 2024, Budapest, Hungary

Hosted by HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics

General theme: Linguistic Diversity and Language Planning

The conference will focus on the role of linguistic, technological, legislative, and educational challenges for linguistic diversity and language planning.
The following subtopics will be addressed:

  • Linguistic minorities and majorities
  • Multilingualism and linguistic diversity
  • The effect of societal and technological factors on linguistic diversity

The conference is for EFNIL members and invited guests only.


Preliminary programme

14.00–15.00 Registration and sandwich 

15.00–17.00 EFNIL General Assembly 

18.00–20.00 Reception dinner 

Opening Session
10.00 -10.30 Welcome addresses
Dr. Giorgi Alibegashvili, Head of Department at Tbilisi State University
Ms. Merit-Ene Ilja, Acting Deputy Director General of theEuropean Commission (DGT)
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
Sabine Kirchmeier, President of EFNIL
Session 1: Linguistic Minorities and Majorities – Policies and their effect
10.30-11.00 Giorgi Alibegashvili, Maka Tetradze: State Language Strategy 
11.00-11.30 Tomasz Wicherkiewicz: “Is there room for compassion, empathy, and empowerment within Europe’s minority language policies?”
11.30-11.50 Coffee break
11.50-12.10 Guy Berg: The Challenge of Multilingualism: Benefits and Threats of Linguistic Diversity
12.10-12.30 Jutta Ransmayr: Multilingual learners in the realm of education in Austria. Challenges, policies and recent developments
12.30-12.40 Birute Klaas, Kerttu Rozenvalde: Supporting linguistic diversity and the national language at the University of Tartu (Estonia): Adapting language policies to address the needs of staff and students
12.40-13.00 Discussion
13.00-14.00 Lunch
Session 2: Multilingualism and linguistic diversity – the perspective of multicentric languages
14.00-14.30 Christa Dürscheid, Rita Franceschini: Multifaceted German: Norms, Variation, and Multilingual Contexts in Focus
14.30-14.50 Ann Veitch: English in a multilingual world: Multilingualism and linguistic diversity
14.50-15.10 Vincent Lorenzini: Issues of regional languages and languages of France
15.10 -15.40 Discussion/panel
15.40-16.00 Coffee break
Session 3: The effect of societal and technological factors on linguistic diversity
16.00 -16.30 Frieda Steurs: “Meeting the societal and technological challenges to linguistic diversity. The case of Dutch, Frisian and Papiamentu.” 
16.20-16.40 Magnus Ahltorp: Positive and negative effects of language technology on minority languages
16.40-17.00 Discussion
18.00-22.00 Social program and conference dinner

Session 4: Multilingualism and linguistic diversity
9.00-9.30 Tinatin Bolkvadze: Multilingualism in Modern Georgia
9.30-9.50 Katharina Dück: Between language repression and language preservation: The role of German as a minority language and its language policy actors in Georgia
9.50-10.10 Ina Druviete: The latest developments in all segments of language policy in Latvia
10.10-10.30 Johan Van Horde: Language & Cultural (Super)Diversity at Work
10.30-10.50 Coffee break
10.30-11.00 Panel discussion
Session 5: EFNIL Master’s Thesis Award
11.00-12:00 MTA winners’ presentations
12.00 -12.20 Conclusion of the conference
12.30-13.30 Lunch
14.00-         Optional social program