First Live Meeting of Renewed EFNIL EC

The new Executive Committee of EFNIL had its first live meeting on 10th December 2015 in Brussels. The meeting was hosted by the Nederlandse Taalunie and was held on the premises of the Brussels Office of the organisation. Acting as hosts, Ms Mieke Smits and Mr Kevin R. De Coninck gave an account of their activities and plans of their Unit. Participants in the ensuing friendly exchange confirmed their readiness for cooperation in the future.

Minority Rights Summer School Budapest – 2013 Norms and Practices in Central and Southeast Europe Budapest, Hungary, 4 – 10 August 2013

The National University of Public Service (NUPS) in co-operation with the Tom Lantos Institute is organizing its first international Summer School on Minority Rights with a special focus on the implementation of norms in Central and Southeast Europe.

The Summer School will host 30-35 participants from Europe and elsewhere. It offers a forum to discuss relevant practices and research issues related to minorities with leading experts and practitioners in the field of ethnocultural diversity management. The principal focus of the forum is the implementation of minority rights standards from a legal and political perspective in Central and Southeast Europe. An overview of the international minority protection regime (norms, institutions and mechanisms) is complemented with the analysis of the diverse macro-political approaches to the management of ethnocultural diversity in this region. This is followed by the presentation of specific case studies of minority rights implementation including Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Kosovo. The forum pays special attention to the role of civil society in both norm-creation and norm-adherence in the field of minority protection. Presentations are multi-disciplinary combining law, political sciences, anthropology and sociology.

News from the Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament

Organisers are proud to announce that was nominated among the 100 best professional language webpages.

If you wish to vote for them, please go and find “TermCoord” and click on the corresponding voting button here.

On 5 June 2014 TermCoord organises the seminar “Terminology in Academia” which will focus on cooperation with universities.

A restricted number of external participants are welcome to participate in this seminar. To register please fill in this form.

The seminar can be attended also from Brussels by video conference at the PHS building of the European Parliament (room P1A002).

The 11th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian

The conference website can be reached from here:
It is organized jointly by Pázmány Péter Catholic University and the Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, August 29-31, 2013, Piliscsaba, Hungary.

Registration is now open at

Invited Speakers:
Valéria Molnár (Lund University, Sweden) Anna Szabolcsi (New York University) Robert M. Vago (City University of New York)